2025 Membership Renewals – 2/13/2025
January started the renewal period for 2025 NIRPC membership. A few members have asked about why they need to supply the renewal form and not just a check for the dues if they are LIFE members of the NRA. Well, we don’t necessarily keep every renewal form submitted! People change their address, Email address, or phone. The biggest reason is a current FOID to ensure yours was not revoked AND to receive an annual attestation to follow the club rules, i.e.. your signature at the bottom of the form.
The December newsletter provided you with the recorded work hours to date, and will be updated monthly through March 2025. IF these work hours do not appear correct, please contact the Chairperson for whatever event(s) you believe you should have work hours for. Dues for 2024 were increased by the membership at the November Membership Meeting to $120.00 plus 10 work hours with a $12.00 per work hour penalty imposed for each hour not worked, (unless you are a Sr. Member, over ager 65 with 10 years in the club).
Renewals may be mailed to the club at NIRPC, P.O. Box 1104, Rockford, IL, 61105; or dropped off at one of the clubs’ Monthly meetings. We are also looking at holding a renewal event to reduce the congestion before monthly meetings. Keys to the range should be available at the January, February, March, and April meetings OR you may include a Stamped Self Addressed Envelope with your renewal. If you don’t pick up your key by the April meeting, one will be mailed to you in April. Remember, the key to the gate will be changed out after the April 7th, 2025 club meeting. NRA Renewal Information: If your NRA Membership needs to be renewed, you can do so through the following link which will credit the club with the renewal and a small rebate from the NRA at no additional cost to you.
There will be a special Saturday renewal event to be held at Keller-Williams Realty office on Galleria Dr. off of Riverside Rd, just East of Farm & Fleet on February 22nd, from 11:00 to 2:00.
Link: https://membership.nra.org/recruiters/join/XC033553
Download NIRPC Renewal Form